Follow your excitement

The bridge between your current life and the life of your dreams it’s called excitement!

Excitement is the gap breacher between your current life and the life that you want to be in, between where you are right now and everywhere that you want to be.

Let’s say that you have a new intention, a new desire … The fastest way for you to get there is by following what excites you the most, moment by moment.

The breadcrumb trail of excitement it’s the shortcut that will lead you towards everything that you want, towards everything that you are trying to be, towards everything that you aspire to have in your life.

Let’s say that you set a new intention for yourself or for your life, whatever it might be, the more you follow what excites you in a moment to moment basis the faster you will get there.

You can make this a conscious process, you can make this an intention such as, “what is the most exciting thing for me to do, to think, to imagine right now?” … and “right now?” … and “right now?” … and follow that.

Follow the things that you are excited about, do it, no matter what it might be.

Excitement may not make sense… Your excitement trail is something that your current mind cannot perceive as something that makes sense to it.

Let’s say for example, in one moment you are very excited about working out and doing some push-ups, in the next moment you could be very excited about meditating, in the next moment you could be excited about listening to some music, in the next moment about calling a friend, the next moment about staring at a tree…who knows but …

In the end of the design, at the end of the day, in that greater picture, those dots, those exciting dots will connect perfectly and unfold perfectly for you reach the reality that you want to reach.

So …

For you to go from your current version of life to the next version of life, all that you have to do is to be excited and follow the things that excite you the most!

Without those things having to make sense to your current mind level.

In order to do this and make this process a conscious one, start to, in a moment to moment basis ask yourself …

What is the most exciting thing I could be doing right now?


What is the most exciting thing I could be thinking right now?


The most exciting thing I could be imagining right now?

The more you do it, the more you practice it, it will become your second nature, you will automatically be in a state where you are always seeking for the most exciting thing.

When you are at this level of seeking always the most exciting thing, your life will become a series of exciting moments, of exciting experiences.

Those exciting experiences will lead you towards your dreams, towards creating amazing things in your reality with a very, very little effort on your part. In fact, there will be no effort at all, all the effort that you will have is the effort of being happy, of being excited and this is great.

So …

Remember that your excitement doesn’t always have to make sense to your linear mind … Your excitement transcends you!

Your excitement is a higher vibrational level of your own energy.

When you align yourself with the things that excite you the most, you are aligning yourself with your true frequency, with your true self, with that vibrancy that makes you alive and makes life flow.

Ask yourself constantly, “what are the things that I am most excited about?”, “what could be the most exciting thing for me to do right now?”, not in one minute, or in two minutes… Right now … and … right now… and…right now …and do it!

The more you do it, the more magic will happen in your life and the more magic happens in your life the more you will trust the process and the more you trust the process the more you will follow your excitement, the more you will follow the things that excite you the most.

To make all your dreams come true become best friends with your excitement!

Be excited, follow what excites you the most in a moment to moment basis.


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